Motivated to Live: Friday Fictioneers

Photo Credit: J. Hardy Carroll

Surrounded by stunned nurses and doctors, Cassie looked up at the beehive, fascinated with its beauty. For nearly ten years, no amount of cajoling could convince Cassie to leave the safe space of the inside of the hospital.

The windows were her eyes to the world. She had spent hours staring as the beehive grew each day. She imagined the brave bees as they worked to construct their world, unafraid to live their lives, unlike her.

She wanted to see the finished product. Only one way that would happen. She gathered her courage and stepped into the world again.

Fictional story written for the Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, in which a complete story is written in 100 or less words. Include the photo prompt and a link to the other stories in inLinkz.

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