Returning to a Great Love

Say Hello to Big Red, a 2024 Honda CR-V Sport that will help keep me safe as I return to my great love: teaching!

I am going back to teaching Sociology in a college. It was the most beautiful God moment. A few weeks ago, I prayed to God about being bored in retirement. I watched too many murder mysteries on Acorn and Britbox and needed something to do. I seemed to have lost focus on my blog, and although I went to the gym three or four times a week, I felt useless and needed a new direction.

Two weeks ago, I had the compulsion to write to the Department Chair who hired me at a local college about returning, but she never answered, so I thought that maybe that wasn’t where God was leading me. But, last Wednesday, I felt to send another email to the Dean of the Social Sciences department, and he wrote back later to inform me that my email had been forwarded to the new Department Chair. Because I already had an application and had been hired before, she immediately asked if I would be interested in teaching the Fall 2023 semester. I was shocked, thinking January was probably the earliest I could expect to start. But I said yes, and she placed a class on the schedule for me to teach that same day!

In one week, I have been accepted back as a part-time Instructor, have an email, preparing for orientation, and starting to create my syllabus and readings. I am so excited to return to my great love of interacting with students, inspiring them to be their best selves, and helping those who need extra attention know they can complete the work.

I stopped teaching when Covid hit because I found teaching on Zoom painful and not helpful to students. I can now return to the classroom and feel renewed energy at just the thought. I know there will be moments when I wonder, “What the heck are you doing?” But, I feel I have more to give, and teaching is the gift God gave me to share with the world.

It’s funny that now I feel like writing again on my blog, and teaching differently, especially on my other blog, Huldah’s Sisters, where I will start a Bible study of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. I also realize that I always had a means of encouraging and inspiring others on my blogs. But I truly believe that returning to the classroom is meant to be and that when it is time to retire for good, God will give me what another blogger calls a “God-wink.”

Also, I needed a car to drive to the new facility. I returned the last car because I only drove it thrice in ten months, costing us over $350 a month, and I didn’t like driving it. I had let Douglas do the test drive on that car, and I learned that you have to test drive any car yourself. So, God opened a door, and I have a new car that I have already driven more times than the old one! I love driving it, and I am not as fearful of driving it as I was with the old car.

It’s a 2024 Honda CR-V Sport with all kinds of safety features to help me stay safe, including a Driver Attention Warning that will shake me if it thinks I am not paying attention enough. How about that! So back to school!

13 thoughts on “Returning to a Great Love

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  1. Regina, congratulations on your new job and getting to do what you really love! So glad you followed the gentle nudge of Holy Spirit to reconnect with the college. Your new car, sounds like a good match for you, also. It is so good to have joy when getting out of bed in the morning. Looking forward to more blog posts from you, as I really enjoy them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations. You sound like me “Watching too many murder mysteries on Acorn and Britbox” at night since I am still telework until retirement in December 2023. Again, happy for you.


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