A Note for My Students

From the Rodin Museum in Paris, May 2023

I’m hoping to grab your attention

When you even deign to come to class.

I don’t wish to see that you are downloading

Photos of shoes or underwear, as by you I pass.

I am trying to teach you how to think,

And I don’t wish to disturb your day.

But playing on your phone during class

Won’t engender nice things for me to say.

I’ll ask you to shop in the outer parts,

Like in the quad or in one of the dorms.

It’s not that I want to dampen your joy,

I’m just a strict but lovable schoolmarm.

As I prepare the syllabus for my return to teaching in October in the second half of this semester, it keeps getting longer on what I will and will not abide. I’m thinking of not allowing computers or phones in the classroom. Fandango’s One Word Challenge prompt is Download. The Daily Spur prompt is Outer. The Word of the Day Challenge prompt is Underwear.

5 thoughts on “A Note for My Students

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  1. I teach English at a community college and I can honestly say that phones in the classroom are a horrible distraction. But, I actually found a way to incorporate it into my instruction. I ask students to research using their phones. It can be a brief question that needs a quick answer. They get to fiddle with their phones and at the same time do something productive that is related to instruction. I wish you the best!

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      1. It took me awhile to decide to incorporate phones in my instruction, but this generation is so accustomed to it that I decided to see how I could adapt so that I could reach them. As teachers, we have to meet them where they are. It’s a changing world and I don’t always agree with all the changes but that’s life. Best wishes. . .

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