Drive As Though Everybody Is a Student Driver

Daily writing prompt
If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

Often when my husband is driving, I have the occasion to be glad for the other drivers that he is the one behind the wheel and not me. Douglas had driven for so long that he anticipated when someone was about to do something stupid, like come around us on double yellow lines. He slows down and allows them to pass but stays mindful that he might have to swerve to avoid being in an accident if the guy hasn’t times it right. I want to scream to the other driver, “You act like we can all drive! You are putting your life on the line, Guy!”

Because I waited until age 50 to learn to drive, I might need to have one of the placards that says, “Please be Patient: Student Driver.” I know that I still have to learn to look at everything around me, so I don’t even try to talk on the phone and drive. Indeed, I don’t even have the radio on, in case I get distracted by the words and start to sing, more focused on remembering the words than on driving the car. Of course, my car keeps me in my lane and slows down when the car in front of me slows down, but ultimately, I am in control and need to be observant and alert.

So, I think a billboard that reminds people that not everyone has a world of experience behind the wheel and may not know to anticipate craziness from fools, hotheads, and just plain arrogant drivers might save lives and accidents. Maybe if you think that I might not be good at reading your mind, you will not want to test my reflexes and lose that bet. You and your car will not be happy!

2 thoughts on “Drive As Though Everybody Is a Student Driver

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  1. In Mexico, the main hazard is motorcycles…just crazy behavior, like the entire road is an obstacle course with no rules. This and people who have been drinking all weekend and then are in a hurry to get back to Guadalajara..I tend to stay home on weekends. Not worth facing the ridiculous traffic on our only road around the lake.


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