Keep Some Oil for Your Own Lamp!

Image Credit: Jona162 @pixabay

I find that it is too handy to give myself away.

Like a pollinator, I try to spread encouragement all around.

But while it’s useful to fertilize the dreams of many others,

My own dreams are becoming obsolete, as I feel so duty-bound.

It’s like taking all of your oil to others to help light their way,

And then realizing that you have none to light your camp.

So, before I completely lose myself in other’s expectations,

I’ve decided to be sure to keep some oil for my lamp.

Written for What Do You See #220 from Sadje at Life Ater 50 for Women. Fandango One Word Challenge is Expectation. Ragtag Daily Prompt is Pollinator. Three Things Challenge #M569 prompts are Handy, Useful, and Obsolete.

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All posts on my blog, Help from Heaven, are my intellectual property protected by copyright.

4 thoughts on “Keep Some Oil for Your Own Lamp!

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  1. This is true for so many creatives. We don’t spend nearly enough time on our own projects. Thanks for putting it so eloquently.


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