Blogging Brings Us Global Friendships. Thank you, God!

Bloganuary writing prompt
In what ways do you communicate online?

I started blogging about six years ago, and I have 1605 followers. Many of my fellow bloggers that I follow and who follow me are in Europe, Mexico, India, and Asia, along with the United States. I connect with these global friends every day, mostly through their blogs. They congratulate me when good things happen and commiserate when bad things occur. Because I teach two college courses at a local college and am taking two classes toward my graduate degree in Religious Studies, I don’t blog as much as I would like.

Yet, even if it has been weeks since I blogged, when I do, they send me greetings and comment on being glad to see me writing again. We are miles apart and are kindred spirits, sending each other encouragement and lifting spirits. I know them by their blog names only, but it is enough. They challenge me with photos and word prompts that motivate me to write stories and poems. I would not know them otherwise, and what a loss that would be for me!

Neither race, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, or social class matters! We are writing compatriots in the global world of blogging on the internet. I appreciate this online community that keeps me uplifted in prayer when I ask for it or I am just silent for a short period of time. They help me be the best that I can be. Their words and stories stun me and remind me that we are all struggling to understand our place in the world and spread love wherever we can. We don’t have to share geographic boundaries because friendship and caring knows no boundaries. I thank God for being able to connect with such beautiful souls online.

7 thoughts on “Blogging Brings Us Global Friendships. Thank you, God!

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  1. Great message. Amen “We are miles apart and are kindred spirits, sending each other encouragement and lifting spirits. I know them by their blog names only, but it is enough. Neither race, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, or social class matters! We are writing compatriots in the global world of blogging on the internet.”

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