Remembrance Leads to Praise

Deuteronomy 1:29-33 “But I said to you, ‘Don’t be shocked or afraid of them! The Lord your God is going ahead of you. He will fight for you, just as you saw him do in Egypt. And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you all along the way as you traveled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now he has brought you to this place.’ “But even after all he did, you refused to trust the Lord your God,  who goes before you looking for the best places to camp, guiding you with a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day.”

Some days are harder than others, and on the difficult days, when it seems prayers are not being answered, it is easy to forget the blessings and miracles that God has already done in our lives. Remembering what He has brought me through results in having many good reasons to praise Him for the great things He has done and continues to do for me and mine.

Just to be alive is such a miracle for me. Every day is a bonus when I nearly died in my teens, but for divine intervention. When I look in the refrigerator and see choices for meals, I remember when I had no food and depended on the kindness of others to feed me. I know it was the grace of God that touched hearts to know that I was in a bad way.

As I dress on Sunday mornings in my best dresses and suits for church, as I learned as a child, I remember when I went to school dirty and smelly, and the teacher placed my desk away from the other children. I remember I washed the same pair of socks each night to wear to school the next day. Often, they were still wet when I got to school, but I was not going to school without socks and risked being ridiculed and viewed as inappropriate. Now, I have a whole drawer of socks and stockings and two closets filled with clothes, and I know that they are blessings from God.

Moses told the children of Israel as they prepared to go into the Promised Land to remember the blessings and miracles of God that had brought them to this moment in time. He gave them a history lesson, reminding them of how their ancestors had refused to enter the Promised Land 40 years earlier because they failed to remember God’s actions in bringing them out of slavery in Egypt. They had allowed fear to keep them from their destiny, and they failed to remember that the same God that ended their oppression would be with them in the new land.

Moses wanted this new generation to not forget their history and God’s goodness toward the children of Israel. He understood in the remembrance of God’s former blessings, faith is built and strengthened in times of great difficulty. For God never changes, and what He did before, He can do again if that is His will for our lives.

Today, whatever the difficulties of your life, think back to where God has brought you from and remember that He is still God. Praise Him for what you have and believe Him for the rest, according to His will for your life.

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