The Juke Joint: Bonus Wordle “Letter J”

In Jack’s Juke Joint on Eighth Street,

Jaded men tend to come to meet

Others who use jollification to shun

The ennui that their lives have become.

They jeopardize their good names,

And jettison inhibitions and shame.

With jittery moves they jostle each other,

Jealous when the women choose another.

Their life journeys are compared to junk,

So, their jackassery they try to debunk.

They come to Jack’s to renew their pride,

Each dance considered as another joyride.

Written for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Bonus Wordle, Letter J. The twelve words are in bold print. Joyride here defined as a brief, emotionally exciting interlude.

6 thoughts on “The Juke Joint: Bonus Wordle “Letter J”

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    1. Thank you so much. I never read poetry, except occasionally Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman, until I started blogging. I had not read any Gwendolyn Brooks, but I looked up We Real Cool just now, and I laughed at the ending. I have to get a book by her and read. I might get schooled. I wish I had learned her work in school. I really like writing poetry and fiction, two things I never would have believed I could do. I am still learning, of course. Thank you for telling me of her work.


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