Following the Raven to the Clouds

I saw the raven sitting in the tree at the top of the waterfalls, and he seemed to marvel at his surroundings. I wanted to see what he saw and experience that same sense of wonder. I was alone, having chosen to lie low in the forest, while my tour mates went on another shopping outing. I hadn’t come this far to spend all of my time indoors. I wanted an adventure that would become a great story to tell my grandkids in their story-time circle.

The raven had looked so peaceful up there, so I decided to climb to get closer to the clouds. Admittedly, it was a perilous trip. Each time I planted my feet on a rock, I could feel it start to slide from under me. I would wrap my fist around the next good handhold and continue upward.

I knew that climbing alone was dangerous, but any reservations to my quest were quickly dismissed. There was no room for fear. I started speaking to myself, filling my heart and spirit with a blend of bravado and faith. Arriving at the top of the falls, it felt like I could reach out and touch the clouds. I stood there until the sky became berry colored as the sun went down.

Then, walking west on a path I found, I went back to the hotel. I had sense enough not to attempt a descent in the darkness. Still, I felt exhilarated by the sight of the beautiful raven that had motivated me to try my wings.

Fictional story written for the Wordle #536 fron B Warren at The Sunday Whirl. The twelve prompts are in bold print: room, cloud, any, fist, raven, rock, slide, speak, west, story, blend, circle. Also used Ragtag Daily Prompt Lie Low. The Daily Spur prompt is Berry.

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